by Academic Tutoring | Sep 26, 2023 | Academic Tutoring
Whether a student is struggling with their coursework or wants to study independently to get ahead, a tutor can be an invaluable asset. Peer and professional tutors can help students set goals and achieve them while building confidence and strong study habits....
by Academic Tutoring | Sep 22, 2023 | Academic Tutoring
When it comes to finding the perfect math tutor, there are some questions to consider. Does your child work better with a tutor physically present or will online suffice? What is your budget? How frequent do sessions need to be? Are there free options? Free Options...
by Academic Tutoring | Sep 22, 2023 | Academic Tutoring
Tutoring is a very important part of the education process for many children. The benefits of tutoring have been well-known for many years, and by choosing tutoring your child’s grades may dramatically improve. They may also have a greatly increased chance of getting...
by Academic Tutoring | Sep 26, 2020 | Academic Tutoring
At the beginning of 2020, a bill went into effect that required companies in California that hire any independent contractors to reclassify these contractors as employees. This law is known as AB-5 and has since been altered a couple of times to exempt certain job...